Sunday, August 16, 2009

DAY #9 OF 27 DAYS...

I've come to realize that it's very easy to "socially drink" just because. Doing what I do for living, I end up at concerts, golf outings, events, after partys, pre-gamin', post-gamin' and chillin' with friends a lot. It becomes habit to knock down a few cocktails at each of those events. In fact, it becomes a lifestyle. Next thing ya know, it's several drinks over several days in a row. That adds up.
I challenged myself to go 27 days without alcohol. My goal is to get my health plan jump-started and to break the habit of drinking just to drink. The truth is, I feel better when I don't.
Today begins DAY #9 of 27 days. So far, I've enjoyed both the EDWIN McCAIN and NICKELBACK concerts without cocktailin'...didn't even think about it. I'm sleeping better and I'm feelin' more energized.

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